Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Show some Gratitude

Hey all, this is a little off the subject.... I received this video in an email today, and it made me reflect on how lucky we all are to be able to do what we want and be free doing it. Regardless of your political views, keep in mind that the young men and women in our Armed Forces did make a choice to join the military, but often don't have a voice in where they may be sent.... so, I think it is important for all of us to show our Gratitude to the Men and Women who haven given their lives for all of us. Food for thought. God Bless... and please watch the video...

watch it here

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

WoW, I can tell I'm spoiled...

I felt so inconvenienced tonight. I needed to go to the grocery store, but didn't feel like going to WalMart and waiting forever to get checked out.... I didn't feel like driving to the Albertson's which is farther nor did I feel like going to Food4Less, even though they are cheaper but have kind of a limited selection.

So, I decided to stop at Von's, which I haven't done in awhile with good reason. For months, they have been trimming there inventory back. They didn't have what I was used to buying there; ie: they would have Grape Jelly but not Strawberry Jelly as an example. In the back of my mind I was telling myself, "these guys may as well just shut down, they don't have what I want anyway"!

I wanted to make a quick trip to the grocery store tonight, so I stopped at Von's. Well damn, there is a sign on the window that says, "Von's last day open will be July 11th". Here I sit, reading the sign--my mouth hanging open, lately thinking they may as well shut down because they never have what I want and yet dumbfounded that they had to close.... now I have to drive to Albertson's which is 3 or 4 miles back in the opposite direction. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

In my time of need, they were gone, a convenience that I used to take advantage of back in the day, but now it was gone; the second in less than a year in my area. And yet, I complain, get upset because I have to drive a few miles in the opposite direction to shop at Albertson's which I love, but is kind of pricey. How I have forgotten that we used make a trip of 40 miles once a week just to go to the nearest grocery store when I was growing up, and they weren't even half the store that Von's was. Yep, I must be damn spoiled.... LOL

I am sorry to see that Von's had to close, as well as the Lucky's about a year ago, presumably for lack of sales. I still don't understand why Lucky's closed, I thought it was a great store and always seemed busy when I shopped there. Von's on the other hand, seemed like it had lost touch with the customers and the needs of those customers. I believe they were too quick to eliminate inventory for slow sales, again if you are gonna sell Grape Jelly you have to sell Strawberry Jelly too.... and in more and more areas on the shelves of Von's, this started to be the norm, which is why I eventually stopped shopping there.

But hey, it is just my opinion, but MmmmHmmmm, they ARE closed now.

Have a great day, and thanks for readin!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

hey, check this out!

I found a new program that I think is tops.... Click Here!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Self Checkouts -- Do they work???

So, it has been awhile since I have posted a blog, but I have been busy trying to make a buck. I guess that you could say today's post is not so much of a blog but a bitch session... haha.

I happen to use the self checkout lanes whenever possible. I regularly shop at Wal-Mart, Albertson’s, Smith’s, Home Depot, etc. I think the concept is absolutely awesome and for those of us who only need one or two items, they save time. As more of the larger chains cut back on expenses, such as manpower, they also help control labor costs.

One of my biggest complaints however is this, ( and pay attention here Albertson’s and Home Depot ) that the majority of people, unless directed to a certain register via a regular lane, such as the type that Wal-Mart uses, ( kudos to Wal-Mart ) do not have the decency to recognize the fact that Joe Homeowner had already been waiting patiently in line for a register only to be rudely cut in front of by someone that is just walking up to them. Not being one to give in to the rudeness of other people, I have reclaimed my rights at an open register more than once and it has led to some harsh words and close to an altercation on more than one occasion. But right is right, right?

What is wrong with people today? Where is the common sense that is built into each and every one of us that would stop you and say hey, “this poor person has been waiting here since I walked up, he should be the next one to an open register, not me.” Is it just me, or has the world gone totally crazy and grown that insensitive to their fellow man?

The “Bullpen” type of system that Albertson’s and Home Depot use could be improved 100% with the addition of a line on the floor accompanied by a sign that reads, “please wait here for the next available register.” I almost always try to stand in the center when I am waiting, fairness and courtesy would rule that I should be the next person to use the very next available register, right?? Since it seems that people cannot be courteous on their own and don’t have the common sense to do the RIGHT thing, they need to be directed like sheep by the use of a visual aid like a sign and a line on the floor posted at the head of the bullpen.

One of my second biggest complaints is that if you are going to use these self checkouts and we are saving the management all of this labor by operating 4 or more self checkouts with one cashier, then maybe a 2-3% discount would be a nice incentive to use the self checkout. Maybe I would continue to use them now despite the fact that I am dealing with a person’s rudeness once in awhile, but no thanks… I am gonna go right back to waiting in a regular checkout line from now on. Maybe Albertson’s and Home Depot could use the money they are saving to follow my suggestion above. But hey, who am I, right? Just my two cents on what I think is a bad problem, one that wouldn’t even have to be addressed if people had a little bit of a conscience.