Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Check out this Online Store

Hey everyone.... been working really hard on this site. As I learn how to do things, things get better! Now offering a discount coupon for everyone that visits the site!

We offer daily, weekly as well as MONTH long specials....and save even more when you use the coupon! You will find that our prices are very competitive and you can shop from your home!

I have also added a link on the page so that everyone can see the current specials that we have going on at any one time.

So...check it out, go green, leave your car in the garage for the weekend and shop online. Online Shopping has never been easier and more secure!

Click HERE to go to our store, check out our specials as well as our current ads and start saving NOW!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why we need Government Run Health Care NOW!

I don't care if you are Democrat, Republican or you just don't give a damn about politics, but I strongly support a Government Run Health Care System. Taxes pay for everything else we depend upon, why not use it to pay for Healthcare too?

If you are fortunate enough to have a job and have Health Care coverage, kudos to you! But if you are one of the millions of unemployed Americans such as myself ( I lost my job last October and for the first time in over 20 years I haven't found a job and have no insurance ) why should I be denied the right to live if I get seriously ill?

I paid into a Health Plan for years and years and never needed it. As luck would have it, I suffered a minor Heart Attack 5 months after losing my job and my Health Insurance. So, now I have to hope and pray that I don't get sick again...

Watch the following video, it makes total sense to me....